Creating Custom Style BST file

Creating a custom bst file Open a terminal and type: latex makebst This program will ask you questions and build a custom bibliography style. It’s a lot of questions, if you’re unsure just press enter and he will select a default value. At the end it will ask you if you want to proceed to…

Digging R

Introduction to R R is a programming language and software framework for statistical analysis and graphics. Available for use under the GNU General Public License R software and installation instructions can be obtained via the Comprehensive R Archive and Network The following R code illustrates a typical analytical situation in which a dataset is imported,…

Use Default Python Rather than Anaconda Path

Anaconda adds the path to  .bashrc so it is found first, you can add the path to your default python to .bashrc or remove the path to anaconda if you don’t want to use it. You can also use the full path /usr/bin/python in bash to use the default python interpreter. If you leave your…

R kernel always dead: Jupyter and anaconda for R

Got this issue as IRkernal was dying after restarting in jupyter-notebook. The problem appeared to be with the IRkernel version. The following script after installation using R or Rstudio resolved the issue install.packages(c(‘repr’, ‘IRdisplay’, ‘pbdZMQ’, ‘devtools’)) devtools::install_github(‘IRkernel/IRkernel’) IRkernel::installspec() # to register the kernel in the current R installation

python-mapnik: Misssing shared library Error

After installation of Mapnik was getting error running import Mapnik: Traceback (most recent call last): File “./”, line 16, in <module> import mapnik File “/usr/local/python2.6/dist-package/mapnik/”, line 69, in <module> from _mapnik import * ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory This may cause the problem, an old mapnik installation from…

Search All versions of python on Ubuntu

Please run following command to get all versions of python on your ubuntu system sudo find / -type f -executable -iname ‘python*’ -exec file -i ‘{}’ \; | awk -F: ‘/x-executable; charset=binary/ {print $1}’ | xargs readlink -f | sort -u | xargs -I % sh -c ‘echo -n “%: “; % -V’

How do I fix the GPG error “NO_PUBKEY”?

By far the simplest way to handle this now is with Y-PPA-Manager (which now integrates the launchpad-getkeys script with a graphical interface). To install it, first add the webupd8 repository for this program: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager Update your software list and install Y-PPA-Manager: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager Run y-ppa-manager (i.e. type y-ppa-manager…

Getting LaTeX

This for the information of the Participants of the Workshop to use the following to download the required LaTeX. Download the Pdf version of following content from LaTex_for_Beginners. LaTeX is a free software (under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License). Before getting started to work typeset the document, we need  to get LaTeX distribution and LaTeX editor….

Why working with Python Scripts in QGIS 2.8 Processing Toolbox

Although Processing Toolbox has graphical modeler to power the usability of already available documents but  it has some limitations: There is no support for conditional statements and loops. Only available models can be used, some algorithms that can be executed from the toolbox do not appear in the list of available algorithms when you are designing…

Install QGIS on Ubuntu 14.04

This post covers installation of QGIS on Ubuntu 14.04. QGIS is a tool for creating maps and working with geospatial information. The official QGIS installation instructions provide three different ways to install the software. One way is to use UbuntuGIS ppa to get access to more recent versions of the relevant GIS software, including QGIS.  The install goes as…